🇪🇸 Gira de Espana

Starting December 5th, teams will compete in the Spanish Tour, where all participants registered for “Gira de España” will play Best-of-Two (BO2) matchups. The teams with the highest number of wins in each tour will get the chance to represent their country in the Higher League, while the remaining teams will compete in the Lower League. The winners of the tour will receive a Eurostars League ticket and will immediately represent their country in the highest competition of them all! Gather your team and sign up – HERE!

🇪🇸 Gira de Espana


The best Spanish scorers, passers, defenders, and big men will be monitored, and statistics will be used to determine who will be the MVP of the Gira de Espana! Players from the rankings will be invited to do interviews and given exposure on social media by ACEP2K! For any questions feel free to reach out to them or directly to Spanish admin David Terce!

The entry fee of 25 EUR applies to country tours only. Additional payments will be necessary for the Higher and Lower leagues. There is a total of 16 Eurostars League spots and one of them will be given to this tours winning team. Your position in the Country Tour will determine the amount of the next required payment. Make sure you have joined our Discord!